Homeless Families


Homelessness is a situation where an individual does not have a permanent place to live. This can include a variety of situations such as living in cars, parks, abandoned buildings, public spaces, train stations, and other similar places.


Factors that can contribute to homelessness

 Effects of Homelessness

Homelessness has a lot of effects on early childhood development, school aged children, and more. Children who are homeless are not only at risk but may also suffer from physical, psychological, and emotional damage. In general homeless children usually have more health problems. Poor nutrition is a factor that contributes to their physical health and can cause illness. Homeless children often have poor cognitive development which effects their schooling. These children usually have distressed emotions because of the stressful events that they may be too young to understand.



Tips for Teachers

  1. Familiarize yourself with common characteristics of children who are homeless.

  2. Adjust assignments so students that do not have permanent living situations can complete them.

  3. Ensure that students who are homeless have every opportunity to participate in all school activities.

  4. Have a supply of nutrition snack in your classroom

  5. Provide items such as clothes, soap, and toothbrushes as needed

  6. Keep the parents informed on how their child is performing in school

  7. Encourage the parents to be involved

  8. Make your classroom friendly

  9. Show the child that you care about them


Tips for Parents

  1. Know your child's educational rights

  2. Enroll your child in school

  3. Maintain high expectations for your child

  4. Spend time with your child

  5. Encourage your child to make friends

  6. Stay positive and praise your child for positive things he/she does

  7. Tell your child you love them


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